Friday, March 1, 2013

Celebrating Lent: 2013


Lent 2013: Day 15:

You’ll have to excuse me today. A piece of my heart is missing. It hurts, but it will heal.
Yesterday, during a funeral I was celebrating, I prayed aloud for our Holy Father, Benedict XVI, for the last time (publically during a Mass). I miss him already. It’s hard to describe.

Anyway, your heart has been broken before hasn’t it? It realty hurts, huh. Share a few of those hurtful moments with yourself and notice how you have changed because of them. Healing from hurt, not an easy passage by any means. But offered to God – all is well.

??? Am I guilty of purposefully hurting anyone lately ???


1 comment:

Brenda Long said...

So sorry for OUR loss, but especially your loss.