Monday, March 4, 2013

Celebrating Lent: 2013

Lent 2013: Day 17

There’s a “word” which has been hanging its shingle on our English vocabulary for quite some time now. Perhaps you’ve seen the word typed or written somewhere or heard it expressed in some conversation. The word is: “nones”. Simply put, the word describes those people who claim no religious affiliation whatever. (And yes the reality is growing and growing). No doubt, you have family members who are aptly described by this term. I’m not certain if this new entry into our vocabulary means the person so described does not believe in anything offered by Christianity or, well, that they might believe in God and Jesus but not in the Church. You know, something like that.

Nevertheless as people of faith we understand that while our faith is personal it was/is never meant to be private. In faith, you and I and she and he and they – we’re all connected at life’s deepest level. A simple perusal of St. Paul’s Epistles (Letters) makes this strikingly obvious.

We “belong” together.

??? Do I live my faith openly, proud to be a part of the Body of Christ ???


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