Monday, February 25, 2013

Celebrating Lent: 2013


Lent 2013: Day 11

First of all I would like to thanks the Academy. I would also like to thank the producers and directors for their confidence and trust. I would also like to thank my fellow actors for making me look so good. And lastly, I would like to thank all of you for coming and now I can say for sure, quoting a colleague of ours of some time back: now I know you like me, you really like me.

Yes I can understand why people watch the Academy Awards. All those movie stars, the dresses, the tuxes, the hair styles, the make-up. And yes, all those extra body parts so visible.

There are those, however, who see the Academy Awards as nothing more than an orgy in self-indulgence. Display of wealth? Opulence? No way! And even the losers go home with a “doggie-bag- worth at least $43,000.00

Can you even imagine one of these award winners standing at the microphone and saying:

We have sinned, been wicked and done evil;
we have rebelled and departed from your Commandments.
We have not obeyed your servants … (from today’s 1st Scripture reading).

They need to have their idol and they do. His name is Oscar.
We need to have our idols and we do as well.

As Jesus reminds us in our Gospel passage:

The measure with which you measure
will in return be measured back to you.

??? Do I participate in the opulence, the wealth of the world’s greedy – on any level at all ???