Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My First Day

Without delay, I dedicate my Blog to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sts. Patrick, Christopher and John Vianney and my family.

Tonight as a read Evening Prayer while I sat on my porch, I allowed the activities of the day to flow through my mind.

Tuesdays is one of the days when our Parish opens its Caring and Sharing ministry. What a great group of committed women we have who pass out to the needy some food for the day. The food is brought in through a variety of sources mostly people who worship here with us.

Tuesdays is also one of the days when our parish opens it Free Medical Clinic for the poor, indigent, homeless and uninsured of the community. Here again what an inspiring group of people invlove themseles in this ministry.

I also spent some time today reading and studying some of the new prayer translations for the Mass. This is going to be a struggle I think but I certainly appreciate the work that is involved in making our worship more prayerful and uplifting. The translations I read today are only the beginning of many, many prayer translations coming to us so I know I must dedicate a great deal of time in continual reading and studying these new translations so that I can make them prayerful and my own.


Anonymous said...

Blogging? At your age? Oh well, you keep suprising me! Your first day on the blog... my first TIME on a blog! Good luck, Steve

Anonymous said...

Pat, Thanks for sharing your page with me. I look forward to future exchanges. We are getting focused in on Casey and Richard's wedding. Hope you can make it.
