Sunday, October 18, 2009

29th Sunday of the Year

The English writer Edward Bulwer-Lytton once observed: "there is noting so agonizing to the fine skin of vanity as the application of a rough truth".

James and John, in today's Gospel, in their vanity, want to sit with Jesus on His throne in the Kingdom. Jesus tells them the rough truth that they do not know what they are asking, and that furthermore it is God who makes the seating arrangements. Jesus goes on to say that if you want to be great, you must be te servant of the rest.

Some questions for today:

Do I believe that we can make suffering redemptive?

Is it possible to transform our pain into something useful to others? Something that will last beyond ourselves?

Have Jesus' words about the first being last and the last first helped me to let go of the natural tendency to measure myself and others in terms of perks and power rather than by the capacity to give freely to others?


"The evangelizing mission of the Church is essentially the announcement of God's love, mercy and forgiveness revealed to humanity throught the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. It is the proclamation of the good news that God loves us and wants all people united in God's loving mercy. God forgives us and asks us to forgive others even for the greatest offences."

Pope John Paul II


"The Gospel of Jesus stands as a strong counterpoint to the message that is being given. The Gospel tells us we must put others first, put their needs ahead of our own, not worry about who is No. 1. It was a readical message when Jesus first spoke it, and it remains so today in our competitive, win-at-any-cost society."

Father Dominic Grassi


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