Friday, January 4, 2013

Another Thought for January 4:

One of the greatest coaches ever: Ara Parseghian. Ara had two sayings that he always preached to the team: “There is no circumstance we cannot overcome” and “We have no breaking point”. He has used them in his own life when he started the Ara Parseghian Medical Research Foundation to study Niemann-Pick Type C disease that took the lives of three of his grandchildren.

What are you seeking, where are you going, and what are you seeing? Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, heard John the Baptist speak and declare “Look, the Lamb of God!” As Jesus said to Andrew, and as he says to us today, “What do you seek?” and “Come and you will see.” It is an invitation to follow him.

We hear many different voices in our culture today. Our children, especially, are under tremendous pressure today to conform to what our culture expects. It is destroying them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. One of the comments often received from a seventh grader: “I‘ll do what I want, when I want.

How do we fight against this culture that tells us to do whatever we want? I believe the answers are in our faith and God’s word. Pope John Paul II said “Do not fear, open your heart to Christ: conversion means accepting, by a personal decision, the saving sovereignty of Christ and becoming his disciple.” When you make this choice and enter into your faith, your faith becomes alive.

We are called to faith and conversion. Have you made those decisions in your life? I have found that it is only in my relationship with Christ and by reading God’s word that I can have no breaking point and face no circumstance that cannot be overcome.

What are you seeking? As Jesus told Andrew, “Come and see.”


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