Monday, September 20, 2010

The Day that Almost Wasn't

I began my day today as I do each morning with my 5K run. As I jog into my regular pace I begin to meditate on the Mass for later this morning, it's the feast day of Saint Andrew Kim and Paul Chong and 103 others who were murdered for their faith ... in Korea. I begin to cross a street in regular pace and a truck pulls into my path. The jerk ('scuse me, Lord). It's not like the driver wasn't driving along beside me for at least half a block, not like he didn't have his headlights on, not like I wasn't wearing an oversized florescent shirt and running shoes that reflect light. Geeze! Had I not stopped with a quick halt mid point in the street, this guy would have hit me, and he wasn't driving very slow.

So, perhaps these Korean saints protected me this morning. In gratitude for what may well have been their assistance I offer this clip:

Thanks, again, special Korean saints. I am indebted to you.

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