Thursday, November 15, 2012

Another thought for Thursday ... the 15th


St Paul’s letter to Philimon verses 7-20
Luke’s Gospel chapter 17 verses 20-25

In today’s scripture reading, Jesus addresses, among other things, the apparently timeless desire to schedule things in advance, to know what to expect, to have a handle on what comes next. Speaking of the kingdom of God, Jesus could just as easily be talking about a baby not yet born or an expected shower to a farm area experiencing drought: when will it come and how will we see it is coming? Like an anticipated childbirth or rainstorm, the kingdom of God coming at the wrong time could certainly be a problem for the unprepared.

So, not to be caught off guard, how do we remain ready at all times? Do we live at church and go to confession everyday? Does perpetual readiness mean burning out from staying awake day after day? Should we imperil our own health by constant acts of self-sacrifice and never resting?

Certainly it is good to attend to the spiritual practices that nourish the soul – partaking regularly of the sacraments, making amends whenever wrong has been done, nurturing a regular habit of making time for God in prayer and service to neighbors in need – but is that what Jesus is saying?
I can say with great conviction that peace and perpetual readiness come not from having things happen as expected but rather from a discipline of gratitude that helps us see God’s kingdom breaking forth around us right now.
If we cultivate the ability to see God acting in the midst of our brokenness now, regardless of when the baby or the rains come, then our awareness of God’s love for us as we are will help us to be ready all the time.


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