Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Feast of the Epiphany

Many cultures celebrate "Little Christmas" on the Feast of the Epiphany. For them, this is the day of giving and receiving gifts.
Reflecting on our celebration of the feast of the Nativity, Christmas:

+ + + some people will be thirlled by the gifts they received. Others may be disappointed. Some may feel that they were able to select just the right gifts for loved ones, others may feel that for one reason or another, the gifts they chose weren't received as they had hoped. And some of us are already worried about the "Ghost of Christmas Past", which will show up as bills in our mailboxes very soon. Our Scripture readings for this Sunday of the Feast of the Epiphany can help us put all the gift giving in context, since the greatest gift of all was offered by God whose Son came to dwell among us.

In reflecting on this:

+ What more can I do to bring light to darkness in my own spirit as well as the hearts and minds of those around me?

+ Epiphany is a kind of "second Christmas":
>>>What gifts do I have to offer?
>>>How can I best use them?
>>>Do I do everything I can to welcome people, just as the Magi from the East were welcomed at home of Jesus?


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