Saturday, July 3, 2010

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time



Jesus sends out His Aposles as if He were sending Lambs in the midst of wolves.

He is their protector.

In the same way He sends us out also into a world that is not always accepting.



What's in our hearts in the context of reading these Scriptures for this weekend?

Is there a greater sign of contentment and satisfaction than a baby who's been well fed and well tended who falls asleep in their parent's arms?

God longs to satisfy our needs in the same way:
..... to feed our deespest hunger
..... to respond to our deepest longings

>> Do I trust that God's loving care is all I need?

>> Am I willing to rely so totally on Him?

Outward signs that we use, even those with great traditional meaning, are nothing if they aren't grounded in the truth that I have become a new creation.

>> What in my life serves as evidence that I am a new creation in Jesus Christ?



Even in the midst of wolves, we might condiser these simple paths to peace:

>>Don't take the bait of someone itching for a fight.

>>If you dont't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.

>>Imagine the childhood of those you disdain or abhor.

>>Pray intentionally at least once a day.

>>Sing a song out loud.

>>Say please, thank you and excuse me to everyone, including family members.

>>Acknowledge that there are some things you are not good at.

>>Traavel outside of your usual circles on occasion -- different people, different places, different beliefs.


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