Friday, September 11, 2009

On this day, we pray that the hearts of those who wish us evil may be converted -- and we hope to have the power and the will to forgive them....

On this day, we remember the survivors, those who still suffer the effects of 9/11 and other terrorist acts...

On this day, we remember the victims -- the thousands who died in the attack on the twin towers and the Pentagon and the attempted attack on another target which finished in a plane crash in a field in Pennsylvania; we remember their victims of terrorism in other nations. May they rest in God's peace!

On this day, we pray for ourselves, that we may have the strength to bear whatever may happen to us, remembering that we are God's, and we pray that we may have the will and strength to help those who cry out to us in their need -- not only for assistance, but for a sense of meaning and purpose.

"Whether we live or die, we are the Lord's."

This may sound like our limitation; it is in reality our strength."