Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Sixth Sunday of Easter

Proclaiming the Word of God, receiving the Holy Spirit, sacrificing for what is good: the Scriptures for today and this week present some of the great themes of Christian life

If someone were to ask you: "what is the Holy Spirit?", what would be an answer you could give that would open the Spirit to them?

Loving God:

help us to follow the teaching of Your Son and to find joy in walking in His ways.


Loving God:

inspire us to share our faith with gentleness and respect, and teach us to suffer with patience for doing good.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Priests - Graduates of Pensacola Catholic High School

I just received these pictures from Mrs. Valerie Schumm taken last March at a special Mass at Catholic High School.

Fathers: Bob Johnson, John Licari, Patrick Foley, James Dane, and Nick Schumm


Flowers, anyone?

Every year for Mother’s Day, people donate roses in honor of their mothers at the Basilica Shrine of Mary Queen of the Universe in Orlando, Florida. They had some 10,000 on display the last two weeks. The celebrant pictured above is the shrine’s rector, Fr. Paul Henry.

If you find yourself in the area on vacation, make it a point to stop by the shrine. The church is beautiful, the liturgies are impeccable, and the music is often thrilling. Many of the singers work nearby at Disney, and their voices are astounding. (And, like all Orlando attractions, it has a great gift shop!)


The world Didn't end!

Ah, he set another date. Be ready: October 21st.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Oh my gosh!

I woke up this morning and everytihng is here.


It didn't happen.



Thank you, again, God.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Today is the End of the World: get ready

He said so:



about 6:00pm today.

I'm not sure if that's Eastern daylight time or Central daylight time or what.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Good Shepherd Sunday

The Easter Season continues, and so does the Church's meditation on the Risen Christ. On this "Good Shepherd Sunday" we hear the voice of the True Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

Suddnely I heard the words of Christ and understood them, and life and death ceased to seem to be evil, and instead of despair I experienced happiness and the joy of life undisturbed by death.
Leo Tolstoy


Friday, May 13, 2011

Pensacola Beach Pier: a day for some fishin !

caught nothing so it's time for a break:
barracuda..... just waitin ....
it's only me no where!

Mother's Day: First Holy Communion Sunday at St. Joseph's

Congratulations to the six boys who received the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ for the very first time.


Let us continue to pray for our children, and ourselves, that we may grow each day into the Body of Christ.
